Emergency Service

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When Extreme Weather Hits... 

Your Kitsap Transit routed bus will likely not run its normal route when conditions become unsafe for our operations.

Emergency Service is designed to connect Kitsap’s communities using arterial roads. Buses serve major roadways between Bainbridge, Poulsbo, Silverdale, Bremerton and Port Orchard. Local and fast ferries will still operate as long as sailing conditions are deemed acceptable.

See the maps below to learn which arterials Kitsap Transit buses will operate on when we are running Emergency Service.

Stay Informed

As driving conditions improve, service will be upgraded gradually -- from Emergency service to Modified or Normal. These service upgrades will occur at specific time intervals in order to give our customers time to plan accordingly. The time intervals we plan to make changes to service are 9 AM, Noon, 3 PM and 7 PM on weekdays and 10 AM and 3 PM on Saturdays.

Check the current status on the Snow & Extreme weather page. Click Here

During Emergency Service operations, buses will not follow a regular schedule. Click here for start- and end-of-service times. 

Customers are strongly encouraged to subscribe to Kitsap Transit's rider alerts so they can receive push notifications. If you have questions, you can call 1.800.501.7433.

Emergency Service Routes by Region 

If Kitsap Transit activates Emergency Service on Saturdays, certain sections of routes shown on the maps will NOT be served, as we do not normally operate in these areas on Saturdays: In North Kitsap, we will not operate service from the North Viking Transit Center to Kingston. In South Kitsap, we will not operate service from Mullenix Park & Ride to the Southworth Ferry Terminal. If Kitsap Transit activates Emergency Service on Sundays click here.

North Kitsap Snow & Extreme Weather Map Nov 2024 - 550px ​​Central Kitsap Snow & Extreme Weather Map 550px south-kitsap-snow-map-1221-550px.jpg

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North Kitsap

Poulsbo/Silverdale - Service will operate in both directions. The bus will travel from the Silverdale Transit Center into Poulsbo using Hwy. 3 to Hwy. 305 to the North Viking Transit Center. On return trips to Silverdale, the bus will depart the North Viking Transit Center to Hwy. 305. It will then reverse its route back to Silverdale.  

Poulsbo/Bainbridge - Service will operate in both directions. The bus will travel Hwy. 305 between the North Viking Transit Center and the Bainbridge Island Ferry Terminal.

Poulsbo/Kingston - Service will operate in both directions between the North Viking Transit Center and the Kingston Ferry Terminal on Bond Road. No stops on Bond Road between the North Viking Transit Center and George's Corner.

Central Kitsap

East to west Bremerton via Downtown. Service will operate in both directions and will make all stops. Departing the West Bremerton Transit Center the bus will travel Auto Center Way to Kitsap Way to 6th to Warren Avenue to Burwell into the Bremerton Transportation Center (BTC). Returning to West Bremerton the bus will depart the BTC using Washington to 11th to Pacific to 6th and continue on the route serving Naval, 11th, Callow, 6th and Kitsap Way.

On trips departing the Wheaton Way Transit Center to BTC the bus will use Wheaton Way to Sheridan to Old Wheaton Way then cross the Manette Bridge. The bus will then use Washington to Burwell to Pacific into the BTC. Returning to the eastside, the bus will use Washington to Burwell to Warren to Sylvan into the transit center.

West to east Bremerton to Silverdale - Service will operate in both directions. From west Bremerton Transit Center the bus will travel Kitsap Way to Hwy. 3 to Austin Drive to Erlands Point. It will then take Chico Way to Silverdale Way, Myhre Road, Ridgetop Boulevard, Sid Uhinck Drive into the Silverdale Transit Center.

South Kitsap

Port Orchard Loop -  Service will operate in one direction to connect people to the Kitsap Transit Port Orchard Foot Ferry to Bremerton.  The bus will depart the ferry dock traveling Sidney to Bay to Cline. It will use Kitsap, Seattle, Dwight, Harrison and Division before hitting Sidney Avenue. The bus will travel Sidney to Tremont to Pottery to Lippert and back to Sidney.  It will use Lund to Madrona and will serve the east side of Madrona Loop to Village Lane to Mile Hill Drive then Bethel and Bay returning to the ferry dock.

Port Orchard Ferry/Southworth Ferry - Connects passengers from the Kitsap Transit Port Orchard Foot Ferry to the Southworth Ferry and the Harper Church Park and Ride. Service operates in both directions. From the Port Orchard Foot Ferry the bus will travel Bay Street to Bethel Avenue to Mile Hill Drive onto Southworth Drive. From the ferry terminal the bus will travel Sedgwick Road, to the Harper Church Park and Ride and back to the Southworth Ferry Terminal and returns to the Port Orchard Ferry.

Sunday Emergency Service Map

​​Sunday - North Kitsap Snow & Extreme Weather Map 550px ​​Sunday - Central Kitsap Snow & Extreme Weather Map 550px Sunday  - South Kitsap Snow & Extreme Weather Service  - South Kitsap Map 550px

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North Kitsap

Service between the Silverdale Transit Center and North Viking Transit Center: Service will operate in both directions along the following route: State Route 3.

Click here for weekday and Saturday Emergency service areas. 

Central Kitsap - Sunday

Service between the Bremerton Transportation Center and Silverdale Transit Center: Service will operate in both directions along: Burwell Street, Highway 303. Service will operate in one direction from the Silverdale Way Exit, Silverdale Way, and Ridgetop Boulevard to the Silverdale Transit Center.

Click here for weekday and Saturday Emergency service areas. 

South Kitsap - Sunday

Service between the Port Orchard Ferry Terminal and Fred Meyer: Service will operate in both directions along the following route: Bay Street, Bethel Road & Bethel Avenue. 

Click here for weekday and Saturday Emergency service areas. 

Reasons to Use Kitsap Transit

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60 Washington Avenue, Suite 200, Bremerton, WA 98337 Visit our office Phone: (360) 373-2877 or 1-800-501-RIDE