Park & Ride FAQs
Q: How do park & rides work? Are they really free?
A: Kitsap Transit has park & ride lots across Kitsap County where commuters can park their cars to catch a bus or meet a carpool or vanpool. Park & ride lots are intended for day use and are free. Kitsap Transit also operates a pay lot at the Annpolis Ferry Dock. The daily parking fee is $5.00.
Park & Ride lots may have limited hours, commuter-specific parking spaces or other use restrictions. The Gateway Center Park & Ride lot, for example, is reserved for same-day bus commuters. Please check for use restrictions posted at the lot when you park.
Q: How long can I leave my car at a park & ride?
A: Generally, no more than 24 hours. Rules vary by lot and will be posted.
Q: Is it safe to leave my car at a park & ride all day?
A: A benefit of partnering with community churches at many of our lots is that commuter cars are parked in a location with lots of daily activity. Other lots are more isolated. Kitsap Transit provides random security patrols at its lots and some have video cameras as well. However, we can't guarantee that problems won't arise at any lot. Parking is at your own risk. If you encounter a problem of vandalism or theft while parked at a park & ride lot, make a police report as soon as possible.