Vanpool Driver Application

Vanpool Driver Application

This application will be used to establish your eligibility as an operator of a public transit vanpool.  The information you provide helps us assure you, your vanpool group, and the public that the highest standards of safety and accountability are maintained. We appreciate your cooperation. Applicants must answer all questions.

Note: Applicants must have at least five years of licensed driving experience to qualify

Enter the van number in which you currently participate or would like to join. *
Name *
Personal Phone Number *
Work Phone Number *
Home Address *
City, State, Zip *
E-mail *
Employer *
Current Job Tittle *
Worksite Address *
Driver's License Number *
State of Drivers License *
Date of Birth *
How long have you had a drivers license? *
Have you had a drivers license from somewhere other than Washington State in the last 5 years? *
If yes, select the State of your last issued drivers license. *
Have you ever had your driving priveleges suspended, revoked or refused? *
If Yes, Please Explain *
Do you have any conditions that may affect your ability to perform all requirements of operating the vanpool vehicle? *
If Yes, Please Explain *
List any other citations, accidents, suspensions or information that might affect your ability to drive a van? *
Fill out if applicable.
Date & Time *
Location *
Conviction *
Speed Limit *
Your Speed *
Amount of Fine $ *
Remarks *
Fill out if applicable.
Date & Time *
Location *
Conviction *
Speed Limit *
Your Speed *
Amount of Fine $ *
Remarks *
List any motor vehicle accidents, of any time or cause that you, either as owner or otherwise, have been involved in, during the last three years.
Section block text
Fill out if applicable
Date & Time *
Location *
Violation *
Who was at fault? *
Bodily injuries *
Damage to your vehivle $ *
Damage to other property $ *
Description *
Fill out if applicable
Date & Time *
Location *
Violation *
Who was at fault? *
Bodily Injuries *
Damage to your vehicle $ *
Damage to other property $ *
Description *
I confirm that the information given in this form is true, complete and accurate. *
I have read and fully understand the documents listed below: *
Administrative Instructions read all Kitsap Transit Vanpool Administrative Instructions.
Driver Agreement

You must fill out and submitt both documents linked above with the application.
Upload all documentation that requires a signature. You can also email Driver Agreement Form via the PDF above. *

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60 Washington Avenue, Suite 200, Bremerton, WA 98337 Visit our office Phone: (360) 373-2877 or 1-800-501-RIDE